Spacer po zasobach ziemskich
Projekt „Spacer po zasobach ziemskich” Program Erasmus +
Termin 01.09.2019- 31.08.2022
Kwota: 28 920 euro
Wyjazdy uczniów i opiekunów ( 6 uczniów i 2 nauczycieli)
W projekcie wezmą udział uczniowie z pięciu krajów europejskich (Serbia, Turcja, Hiszpania, Finlandia i Polska). Celem projektu jest wzajemne poznanie historii i kultury poszczególnych krajów partnerskich. Udział w projekcie ma rozbudzić w młodych ludziach ciekawość świata i tolerancję do innych kultur. Głównym zadaniem projektu będzie rozbudzenie postaw proekologicznych poprzez działania mające na celu naukę gospodarowania zasobami środowiska naturalnego.
Styczeń 2020- Serbia (Becej)
Maj 2020- Finlandia (Kauhajoen)
Październik 2020- ZS3
Styczeń 2021- Turcja (Istambuł)
Maj 2021- Hiszpania (Ibiza)
We live in a thirsty world. We take water for granted. We waste it. 71% of the Earth surface is covered by it and yet so many countries are unable to provide citizens with clean , safe drinking water. Water scarcity is quickly becoming the issue of our time because it is an abstract concept to many but a stark reality for others. It is necessary for students to understand and
appreciate the importance of this colourless, odorless and tasteless element.
All the countries participating in this Project are lucky to inhabit places with ready access to fresh water. We do not have problems of supply and we do not have to walk long kilometres to get it for our own consumption, needs, livestock, agriculture and industry. We are fortunate, but a short distance to water is, however, not always a positive factor. Our project arises from the need to raise awareness among the students towards the care and respect of our environment and the control of this resource, which we do not give the true value it deserves but it is a real treasure.
The OBJECTIVES we intend to achieve, although varied, are significant:
1.To carry out a research study to check the situation of our own hydraulic resources and those of our partner countries and find different solutions to improve the situation, once the problems in each area have been analysed. We will also take a walk through history to discover how the use or misuse of water has evolved up to the present moment
2.To get our students to develop a responsible attitude towards global environmental problems so that in the future they become adults with a critical sense
3.To promote teamwork, help among equals, the acceptance of different opinions and mutual respect
4.To learn different methodologies, which will contribute to the students’ as well as the teachers motivation. With this project we will also encourage the continuity of the pupils in the educational system , avoiding early dropout and arousing their interest in the learning process
5.To support and reinforce the teaching and learning of foreign languages through exchanges with students and teachers from other countries
6.To contribute to the development of European consciousness through material and educational exchange and the mobility between the different countries
7.To improve mathematical competence through the interpretation of data and charts
8.To encourage the use of ICT to promote innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship activities
9.To learn how to organize their own mobilities, fostering entrepreneurship and life skills such as: digital, mathematics, social, autonomy and personal initiative
10.To improve the image of our schools as an entity open to the European Community
All the PARTICIPANTS in our project share a common view of the purpose of education in a European context.The project is addressed to students aged 15 to 17 and will have a duration of two academic years (2020/2022).
The partner countries are:
Poland, Serbia, Finland, Turkey and Spain (Coordinator). Although the number of people participating in the mobilities is small, we plan to include all the students at School as well as teaching and non-teaching staff, families and Local authorities. The more people who are aware of the importance of the good use we give to water, the more benefits we will obtain.
ACTIVITIES are grouped into 5 blocks:
- Water cycle
- Water in agriculture and industry
3.Responsible consumption: Water in our homes and at school
- Water storage transport for final consumption and treatment
- Water recycling
We mean to use an active and participative METHODOLOGY trying to keep into the educational system all those students at risk of early dropout, encouraging teamwork, respecting everyone’s opinions by using the slogan:” Debate, DO NOT argue!” and using updated new technologies: Google Site, Google Forms, Edpuzzle, tricider, and padlet. Not only will we use a Project-Based-Learning approach, but also Problem-Based-Learning,Thinking-Based-Learning, Competence-Based Learning and Cooperative Learning so that students develop critical thinking and creativity, improve their problem-solvig skills, increase their motivation and develop thinking skills
1.Posters and murals
2.Exhibition of the pictures presented in the photography contest
3.A web page and a Twinspace that include all our activities